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What we believe

Regarding the Bible


We believe that the Bible is the written Word of God in its entirety. We affirm without reservation that it is God-breathed and without error in the original manuscripts and therefore, our supreme authority and trustworthy in all matters of faith and practice in the church and for the individual members of the church. We affirm the unity and internal consistency of the Bible which can be substantially understood in various translations by the faithful application employing grammatico-historical and time-tested principles of interpretation. By this ongoing process, we seek to discover the original intent and meaning of its authors.


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Regarding the Living God


The God who revealed Himself in the Bible is the one and only true God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. He is the eternal, self-existing and unchanging God and the Sovereign Creator who upholds all things by His own power and His word. He is holy and therefore righteous and just. He is love and therefore is merciful and gracious. He is unfailingly faithful to perform and fulfill what He has promised to His Covenant People.

This Living God expresses Himself in perfect unity in diversity as the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We believe in the Father as not begotten, in the Son as not created but begotten or generated from the Father from eternity and sent into the world of Jacob/Israel, and in the Spirit who proceeds from the Father and Son. There is one God expressing Himself in three distinct operations from the Father, through the Son and in the Spirit yet of the same divine essence or nature, the same purpose, mind, will and action.

This may be explained as an administrative ordering in space and time:

  1. The Father as the creative source of ideas, the fountainhead of planning and the initiation of its manifestation;

  2. The Son was sent by the Father as “the exact representation of His being” (Hebrews 1:3) to radiate, model, express and exhibit the Father’s plans and purpose;

  3. The Spirit sent by the Father and Son to powerfully bring to fulfillment the plans and purpose for the Father and Son.

This unity in plurality of the Triune Godhead can be illustrated in Ephesians 1:1-14:

  • The Father chose us and predestined us – vs. 3-6

  • The Son adopted, redeemed and forgiven us and having also obtained for us an inheritance through Him – vs. 7-12

  • The Spirit sealed or confirmed for us as a pledge of our inheritance – vs. 13-14

The preponderance of the biblical data evidences beyond a reasonable doubt that the Father is God, the Son is God and the Spirit is God yet inseparable as one unified Godhead.


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The Name of God


The sacred name of the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob is a topic of much controversy. Our statement on the matter is that the Y-variant names seen in various Bible translations and professed by different Christian denominations such as Yahweh (YHWH), Yehovah/Jehovah and Yeshua are based on incorrect pronunciations of paleo-Hebrew characters. Instead, these pronunciations are based on modern Hebrew characters. The modern Hebrew language is a bastardization of the true paleo-Hebrew language of our ancestors, and is much more closely related to the language of the Assyrians and Babylonians. In fact, modern Hebrew is known as "Assyrian Script" and this language is a mongrelized language that developed during Israelite captivities in Assyria and Babylon. 


Paleo-Hebrew is extremely closely related to the Greek alphabet. So much so, that they can be indistinguishable to the untrained eye. The proper pronunciation of the tetragrammaton (IESU) is "Jesus".  


Yahweh is the name of the chief pagan god of the Edomite/Babylonian usurpers who call on their pantheon of evil gods to help them obtain material earthly wealth and power. We believe that calling upon the name of Yahweh in prayer is a major error based on deceptive or ignorant translations. Jesus is His name. 


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Regarding Adamkind


We believe that God created the first parents of the Adamic White race in His own image and likeness in order to serve as the divinely-appointed administrators to assume the mandate of God’s rule and reign so that the Kingdom of God would be established and manifested. In the beginning, both Adam and his wife existed in a state of innocence, but violated God’s prohibition to not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Thus, they and all their descendants experienced the effects of hardship, spiritual death and ultimately, physical death.

The story of the Bible is about God’s unfolding purpose and plan to redeem and restore Adamkind to life in Him and to the original dominion mandate of the first Adam.


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Regarding the Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ


We believe that the God of our fathers had, in the course of time, purposed to redeem and restore His Covenant People Israel through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ and thus, re-establish His Kingdom. In effect, Jesus became sin on behalf of all Israel as the substitutionary, ransom sacrifice for all their sins. Thus, Israel was reconciled to the Father and to each other. By the one act of Christ’s death, once for all, and by His resurrection from the dead, they were justified, forgiven, and saved from the judgement and wrath of God because of their sins.


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Regarding Baptism


We believe that the baptism by the Holy Spirit is the only baptism that redeems and saves as one confesses with their mouth Jesus as Lord and believes in his/her heart that God raised Him from the dead. (Romans 10:8-9) This baptism results in a fundamental spiritual renewal and regeneration by the Holy Spirit (Titus 3:5) by which one is also born from above. (John 3:3-8)

Although traditionally, water baptism was practiced in the apostolic period and throughout church history, it has been an unnecessary subject of confusion and division in respect to its meaning and mode. It is our belief that the most important and sole emphasis in new covenant theology is the spiritual baptism by the Holy Spirit and the consistent testimony of an individual’s life as demonstrated by his or her new life in Christ Jesus. This is evidenced by the five tests of eternal life as taught in I John: moral likeness, confession of sin, obedience to His commandments, love for fellow believers and confession of Jesus as the Christ incarnate.

This baptism by the Holy Spirit declares one’s ascent to the gospel’s objective truth and subjective reception of Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord. It expresses one’s deep desire to love God with one’s whole being and testifies of the transfer one’s loyalty from the kingdom of darkness to the Kingdom of light. It testifies publicly of one’s commitment to the local church assembly.


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Regarding the Church


The Church of Jesus Christ is comprised of an association of local Church assemblies and each church is a fully functioning and autonomous Church body. Each church is comprised exclusively of the Adamic racial family of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. These also have been the called and chosen by God to be set apart from the ungodly world of spiritual darkness and transferred into the Kingdom of God’s beloved Son. They have received Christ Jesus as Savior and Lord publicly confessing him. They are sinners who have been cleansed, forgiven and fully justified from all unrighteousness.  Together, they are identified as the living “body” of Jesus Christ with Him as the Head of the Church body, and a holy priesthood serving Him.

The Church was created by God to carry out His “eternal purpose” as the pillar and foundation of the truth in order to make known to the civil ruling authorities the many varied applications of His immutable Law as the need arises. The primary goal is to manifest His Kingdom in the land according to His righteousness and justice.

In order to carry out this “eternal purpose” the Church body must strive for unity among all the members. This is achieved in a commitment and practice to love one another in truth, recognition of those who are gifted in leadership roles for the equipping the saints for ministry and for doctrinal integrity. This also includes respect for, and submission to, the office of elder(s) who are charged by God as shepherds of the church. This congregation is, therefore, to be elder-ruled and not by any one man.

The family, and especially the marriage institution, is the heart of the Church and for the manifestation and growth of the Kingdom for future generations and is achieved through the biblical order of authority between husband, wife and children.

The order of the Church is also maintained through accountability among the members, and for church discipline as appropriate and necessary.


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Regarding the Coming of Christ


We believe that Jesus Christ returned in AD 70. His coming was validated by the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, according to His promise to His Apostles and the first century Christian church. That event marked the final conclusion of the Old Covenant age and the establishment of the New Covenant age in which we now live. Jesus now reigns as King over Israel in the present New Jerusalem and in the New Heavens and New Earth in order to manifest His Kingdom now in and through every local church body.


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