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Warning for “Christian” Religious Leaders – Part 1

Sometimes I dream of a future opportunity to address a gathering of seminary students who are training for the ministry, usually as future pastors and preachers in churches. As a graduate of seminary myself with over 45 years of teaching and growth under my belt, I would have one main message for them. That message is a loud and clear WARNING to future “Christian” religious leaders in any capacity.

It’s the same warning I would also give to active “ministers of the gospel of Jesus Christ.”

The Warning

What is the warning? I would say to them: Don’t ever think that you would ever be different from or not be classified with the first century Pharisees, Sadducees and scribes who were strongly condemned by Jesus Himself. (See Matthew 23:13-36.) Don’t ever assume that what you believe to be the true, correct and certain truth of the sacred Scriptures is actually the truth of what the Bible actually says. Because once you start to think that you know it all, and perhaps you could be wrong about some beliefs, you start to think of yourself more than you ought to think. And that leads to pride and possessive power to self-righteously guard the “truth.”

It’s like “the chief priests and the Pharisees” who were deeply concerned that their religious prestige and control would be taken away because Jesus was outshining and exposing them. They said in John 11:47-48:

“What are we doing? For this man is performing many signs. If we let Him go on like this, all men will believe in Him, and the Romans will come and take away both our place and our nation.”

Henceforth, they plotted to take His life.

Don’t think for a minute that you (and me) could not fall into the religious power trap and be condemned along with them.

I Can Hear Your Objection

But you might reply: “I can see that, but surely we know the Lord and we are so much more enlightened now with all this advanced scholarship today.” The religious leaders knew who Jesus was too. One of the Pharisees, Nicodemus, came as a representative of the leadership by night and openly admitted to Jesus:

“… we know that You have come from God as a teacher; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”

Throughout His three years of ministry, in their deviousness to try “to trap Him,” the religious leaders admitted the following to Jesus: “Teacher, we know that You are truthful, and defer to no one … but teach the way of God in truth” (Mark 12:14). They knew who He was and still they refused to humble themselves. They were the trained religious scholars and teachers, and they were not going to be upstaged. They had religious tradition on their – centuries of tradition. They had a reputation to uphold and protect their power.

My Experience

I’ve been there and God had to humble me – severely. It was hell going through it, but I thank God every day for what He has and continues to reveal to me according to the Scriptures.

As I have tried faithfully to testify to pastors the truth with the empirical evidence of the written Word of God, I have been met with resistance and public condemnation. I can’t tell you the number of times the door was slammed in my face, being ridiculed personally and excluded from fellowship. “Heretic” has crossed their lips more than once.

And why? Honestly, it was their only recourse because they could not refute what I told them about what the Bible says and likewise they could not defend their popular belief system. So, the only thing left was to kill the messenger.

There is no difference between these pastors and the religious leaders of Jesus’ day. So far, I have not found one honest, honorable man among them who has an honest and good heart to examine the biblical evidence. I have now written a book that is especially for these pastors, elders, teachers, and Bible scholars. It is entitled The Authentic Gospel, Restoring the Original Intent. Just go to our website: and click on the link “Books by Lawrence Blanchard.” The Authentic Gospel is now available in our Store.

Power of Belief

This is important because religious belief has more influence to mold and shape the opinions of men and women and more influence to direct the course of a nation than all the political and media power could ever employ.

Pastors, you hold immense power by what you believe and teach. My admonishment to you is to never stop examining the Scriptures daily to find out what the Bible says and what it means. Remember the warning to teachers from James: “Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, knowing that as such we will incur a stricter judgment” (James 3:1). This is a very serious calling. I know you are aware of that.

If you are looking for security or power or prestige – get out of the ministry.

Next post: I have one more crucial thing to say about this warning. It comes from Jesus Himself and it’s about an eternal judgment. I beg you to hear it. Until then….

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