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Two Warnings

We are going through a lull in early December 2022 – a rather peaceful period of time where everything looks and feels “normal.” People are traveling, eating in restaurants, going to work, sporting events are in full swing, no masks required, no social distancing, and so forth. Have you noticed there are no hyper-government or media warnings of outbreaks of the “new Covid variant”? Anthony Fauci? Haven’t heard from him in weeks.

Is everything okay now? Is the crisis over? No. It seems that way, but it is a deception. We are living in the eye of the storm.

First Warning

Since before the so-called “pandemic,” global monetary powers have been busy planning to implement a digital economic system headed up by Blackrock. On August 22, 2019, the Blackrock private investment cartel basically took over the Federal Reserve System and now dictates “central bank money directly in the hands of public and private sector spenders … [a] permanent monetary financing of a fiscal expression” called “going direct.” What does that mean? Total digital money and the elimination of cash. 1

The fake virus scare or “plandemic” that commenced in March 2020 was a cover story for the ongoing global financial collapse. It was also part of the beginning plan to start getting people used to enforced lockdowns, closed schools and businesses, interrupted supply chain, and preparation for the “Covid vaccine,” and digital vaccine passports. Life could become “normal” again if people comply with getting “fully vaccinated.” This was, and is, the segue to the digital passport for everything.

To implement this, there will have to be another “crisis” of such epic proportions, as Bill Gates said, to “get our attention.” He was talking about the next “pandemic.” What would that look like? Consider the following real-life scenario. People in certain localities are literally falling over dead on the street. Not just a few, but in mass. No apparent reason. Out of the blue. What would cause such a catastrophe? The CDC will be ready to give you the answer. It’s another super deadly “virus.” Perhaps the “Marburg virus.”

Attorney Todd Callender discusses the fact that, all those who received the Covid injection now have a bio-warfare payload in their cells containing laboratory-created “viruses” encased in lipid nano-particles. These viruses will be activated by a certain sequence of 5G bursts at a certain frequency in order to break open these lipid nano-particles. The result? The payload will be released and a person’s immune system will not be able to handle the foreign toxins and they will quickly die. Click here to watch Callender’s discussion.

The result? Mandatory lockdowns. Mandatory quarantines and mandatory “vaccines.” It will be nothing like we have experienced. It will be so oppressive that people will clamor for a solution. Just look at what the communist government is doing to the Chinese people now.

Second Warning

Yes, the entire world will be seeking a solution to the most oppressive totalitarian conditions ever experienced. Life stops. No food. No travel. Locked up in your homes by military enforcement. Step out of line and get arrested or killed.

In such circumstances, people will be conditioned to accept and welcome an international solution. Enter the International Court of Justice (World Court) – the main judicial organ of the United Nations. Enter Nuremburg II. The public fall guys will be taken to task as a show trial for justice and to negotiate a plan to remedy the present lethal “threat” to all “humanity.” Watch for that word – “humanity.” All UN nations will come together and the world will become “one.” The dream of the UN will be manifested at last as one political and monetary system.

It will be a cause for massive celebration. Hope at last for the solution to get back to “normal.” But to do so, everyone will have to agree to have a digital ID which will be the passport that will contain all your personal information, medical (vaccine) status, and access to your bank account. It will track your every movement, monitor your purchases, and analyze your social and religious ideas. Will you conform to the international standards of justice – like pro-homosexual or transgender rights and protection? And if you deviate from equality, diversity, and tolerance of social theories, will you be penalized? Will your ability to purchase fuel or food be denied if you don’t conform?

That’s where we are headed. You will be confronted and tempted to make concessions. Decide beforehand what you are willing to do or not do. The goal of this ongoing plan of the global elite is a one-world political and economic system of total control. It will be diametrically opposed to Jesus Christ and His Covenant People. It will hate our exclusive Covenant theology and the Kingdom of God.

The Good News

The good news is that the God of our fathers will not forever forsake His holy Covenant People. Yes, we are under His judgment and it’s going to get darker. But, God’s covenant promises to our forefathers fulfilled in Christ Jesus will never be nullified.

Now is the time to take up our obligations and responsibilities to declare biblical truth to our People. Now is the time to stand firm and resist the enemies of Jesus Christ and His Covenant People. We will be victorious!

Go forward and start sharing and teaching the truth with our kindred! Let’s build local church assemblies where we are! Let’s start taking dominion in our communities in Jesus’ Name! Do it now!


1 You might want to check out The Solari Report by Catherine Austin Fitts, Volume 2021/Number One.

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