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The Gospel in the Context of Theological Assumptions – Part 2

Updated: Jun 26, 2023

from The Authentic Gospel, pp. 105-107

We are continuing in chapter 10 of the Authentic Gospel regarding the origin of the races.

Origin of the Races

This next assumption claims that all present-day races and racial subtypes originated from Adam and Eve. Although Creation Science advocates have presented their ideas about how that happened9 to try to prove the universality of “humanity,” a few questions must be raised in consideration of the validity of this hypothesis:

1. On its face from the text of Genesis 1-11, where does it definitely say or even imply that all races came from Adam and Eve? It doesn’t. Only in one’s imagination does the Bible even hint at this possibility.10

2. How is it genetically possible that two created beings of the same DNA could produce another being of a different DNA?

If Adam was created as the first man11 and if his wife was likewise created out of the bone of Adam, possessing the same DNA racial coding (“bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh” – Genesis 2:23), then how is it possible, by the laws of genetic science, to produce an offspring of a different racial DNA? Put simply, is it possible for a pure breeding Caucasian couple to produce an Asian or Negro child? Is it possible for a pure breeding Chinese couple to produce a White child? No. This is impossible.

Understanding Heredity: An Introduction to Genetics confirms this principle of heredity:

Every type of living being … has the faculty for reproducing its kind, which is really the ability to transmit all its characteristics to its offspring by heredity … the essentials, the basic features, the principles, the laws, are found to be identical in all organisms. We may therefore trust the thousand-fold experience that basic facts about heredity discovered in one organism are true for all.12

This is the “basic facts” of the science of heredity.13

Perhaps it never occurred to most people that the first created man and woman could possibly be the father and mother of only one race among other already existing races. Is it possible? Is it plausible?

Does such a hypothesis fit the meaning of the first law of nature – “kind after kind” (Genesis 1)? Does it make sense in light of the fact that the Bible is about the record “of the generations of Adam” (Genesis 5:1) and that the genealogical descent has apparent emphasis and importance in Genesis chapters 5-11? If these facts testify of anything, surely they point to the Adamic race as one race in contrast to the many races. There is no “human race” as promoted by evangelical Christianity and the modern-day culture. The fact that only one race could come from Adam and Eve is not a popular belief and is rarely considered. However, it is derived from a logical and rational review of the biblical and scientific evidence.


9 It is assumed that Adam had all the genetic coding that eventually, through differing environmental climates, produced all the races and racial subtypes that exist today. I discuss this theory in detail in God’s Covenant Creation, Book Four. 10 See God’s Covenant Creation, Book Four, chapters 1-3 for a thorough analysis of this question. 11 Once again it is assumed in evangelical Christianity that Adam, the first “man,” was the first “human” or first father of all races. This theory is discussed from a biblical and genetic viewpoint in God’s Covenant Creation, Book Four. 12 Richard B. Goldschmidt, Understanding Heredity: An Introduction to Genetics, (New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1952), p. 4. 13 I discuss the science of genetics in God’s Covenant Creation, Book Four, chapters 4-5.

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