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The Escalation of the War Against the White Race – Part 1

White people of NW European stock in their numerous countries around the world today are becoming increasingly aware of this ongoing, targeted anti-White hatred as they directly or indirectly experience its reality. The anti-White rhetoric, attitudes, and policies (like immigration) continue on unabated. White people are feeling it personally or subtly, but regardless, they know it because they are afraid to talk about the reality of race openly. They are always guarded and careful about saying anything at all lest they be called out as "racists.".

For example, a new Yahoo poll reveals this:

“The survey of 1,638 U.S. adults, which was conducted from July 13-17, shows that among 2020 Trump voters, 62% say that racism against Black Americans is a problem today – while 73% say that racism against White Americans is a problem.”1

It is not uncommon either for White people who, through continual indoctrination, say and do things that can only be described as “virtue signaling.” This behavior allows them to assuage their false White guilt, believing that White people are the cause of non-White oppression. Virtue signaling also lends opportunity to manifest the ever justified tolerance and diversity programming as they do their part to help ensure racial equality and equity.

Affirmative Action and Secular Universities

As you may have heard, the Supreme Court has decided that race-based school admissions and living practices are not lawful. But that is being disregarded by secular universities who continue their anti-White indoctrination programs. Here are a few of many examples:2

“Courses involving ‘Critical Whiteness Studies,’ an offshoot of Critical Race Theory, will be available to students at several colleges across the country during the upcoming 2023-2024 school year.

“The University of New Mexico’s Department of English Language and Literature will host a ‘Critical Whiteness Studies’ course in Fall 2023, where students ‘will learn about whiteness as an ideology of supremacy and domination.’

“‘Our goal in this course is to learn how to identify and challenge whiteness as part of an antiracist practice,’ the course description says.

“A course titled ‘Problematizing Whiteness: Educating for Racial Justice’ at the University of Colorado, Denver, asserts that ‘Critical Whiteness Studies provides a deeper analysis of race that accounts for both sides … the plight of people of color and how white people are complicit.

The University of Oregon also hosts a class titled ‘Critical Whiteness Studies,’ which ‘explores the social construction of race by investigating and historicizing “whiteness” as a racial category in the U.S.’ The University of Oregon also hosts courses on ‘Environmental Racism’ and ‘Feminist Theories of Race.’

“One course at the University of San Francisco’s School of Education, called ‘Whiteness, Power and Privilege,’ will explore ‘racialization and racism through the lens of Critical Whiteness Studies.’ It also offers an ‘examination of whiteness as the driving force behind … oppression.’

“Hobart and Williams College’s ‘Perspectives on Ballet’ class will focus on the overlap of race and dance. The course will examine ‘the ways in which ballet represents a Eurocentric perspective on dance, and how the history of ballet has centered whiteness.’

“The description goes on to allege that ‘Ballet … has developed in connection with dominant social, artistic, and political belief systems, many of which contain racist, sexist, ableist, and discriminatory ideologies.’”

Add the following Universities:

· the University of Puget Sound which hosted a course on “Critical Whiteness Studies.”

· Arizona State University School of Music, Dance and Theater hired a Critical Race Theorist to teach music education courses.

· The University of Louisville has a social course called “Historical and Contemporary Abolitionism and Anti-Racism.”

· Ohio State University offers an Anti-Racism Certificate based on Critical Race Theory.2

But as Johnathan Butcher of the Heritage Foundation correctly stated: “Any ‘critical studies’ are applications or extensions of critical theory, the neo-Marxist worldview developed by Max Horkheimer and the Frankfurt School in the 1930s…. The theories – critical legal theory, race theory, queer theory, etc. – are based on the idea that the world can only be explained in terms of power struggles between different identity groups and any existing laws or customs were designed by White individuals to maintain their power.” 2

I also discuss the underpinning role of Jewish Franz Boas and the Frankfort School of the hatred against White people in my book, The Greatest Deception of Our Time, pp. 77-81.

Decades-long and planned attitudes and policies in the secular and private “higher education” system have done their very best to indoctrinate young White minds of the evilness of White culture. And they are succeeding to capture and form their thinking. Any White student that objects is sanctioned either by being silenced, excluded, or kicked out of school because any challenge to the status quo cannot, and will not, be tolerated.

White students are discriminated against in the classroom. Many are finding themselves excluded from even being admitted as students. Secular schools and medical and law schools are devising ways to increase non-White admissions not based on merit (grades, pre-admission tests, and so forth), but on racial preference for blacks, Hispanics, and a host of other mixed racial sub-types. It is deliberately planned.

The Reasoning for this War?

But, we need to clear out the rhetoric and get to the bottom line and ask “Why?” Why is it that this anti-White racial war is accelerating? One answer could be political. The more White people are oppressed, discriminated against, demoralized, discouraged, and destroyed, the less real opposition there is against a new world order system of political, economic, and military control. Because it is impossible to have a true “nation-state” independently governed by a homogenous White people at the same time.

Another answer is closely related. The war against White people through a variety of purposefully planned discriminatory practices is antithetical to God’s Kingdom order. Why? Because the God of the Bible has chosen a race to administrate His rule and reign in righteousness, joy, peace, and power in the Holy Spirit. That race is the holy race of biblical Israel – the people of NW European stock today – not the Ashkenazi Jews. Thus, this war against the White race is a holy war.

For those uninitiated to this truth, please order the Bible Mastery Boot Camp teaching series and the Covenant Heritage Series books.

In Part 2, I will review this war against the White race in Evangelical schools.





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