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Christian-Israel theology1 is self-evident. This is why I am so unshakably confident that what is understood as biblical truth is correct and certain. And that is why, over the years of study and writing, I have transitioned from “orthodox” Protestant theology to this realization of the Christian-Israel message. I can no longer defend what I was taught and what I use to believe about who the Bible is written to and what it’s about. Why? Because that teaching is not self-evident.


By self-evident I mean that there are a series of objective propositions that are known as true, correct, and certain from the evidence from the Bible that cannot be reasonably changed or altered as to their meaning. They are evident on their face. They are clear. They are obvious. They are indisputable. They are unmistakable.

I wonder, sometimes, how I could go through three years of graduate school (Denver Seminary) and the next 15 years in the ministry as a pastor and missionary and hold to those ideas and assumptions that really could not be defended. But God is gracious and He opened my eyes. I think Him every day for that! And now I am set free from a fruitless and errant understanding about what the Bible says and means.

What are these self-evident truths?

Self-Evident Truths

1. Abraham and His physical descendants received 7 unconditional covenant promises from God.

2. Isaac was born to Abraham through Sarah as the promised son to inherit those covenant promises.

3. Jacob was born to Isaac through Rebekah who also inherited those covenant promises.

4. Jacob had 12 sons by Leah, Rachel, Bilhah, and Zilpah. The Abrahamic covenant promises would be manifested to their descendants as God’s Kingdom/Nation.

5. Through Moses as mediator, God made a conditional covenant with the families of these 12 sons of Jacob known as the 12 tribes of Israel.

6. God made a covenant with King David that he would always have a son from his line to sit on his throne ruling over Israel.

7. That was ultimately and finally fulfilled by Jesus Christ.

8. Through Jesus Christ, God the Father made a New Covenant exclusively with all the families of the 12 tribes of Jacob/Israel.

These are the essential, fundamental, and self-evident truths revealed in the Bible. These are the facts and they are demonstrable.


Are you confident you know for yourself what the Bible says and means? If the Bible is the written word of what God intended to reveal to His People, then shouldn’t you grow in your mastery of it? Is it important to you to know what God has said?

I wrote the Covenant Heritage Series of books and produced the Bible Mastery Boot Camp so you could have a map to take you through the biblical story. In a step-by-step, systematic, easy-to-follow course of study, you can discover for yourself what the Bible actually says and means.

Not just for yourself, but to share these self-evident and life-changing truths. Why not start a home study group, too? You have the tools to get started.



1 Christian-Israel means that the intended recipients of the gospel of Jesus Christ are the physical posterity of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob who are positively identified as the Anglo-Celto Saxon, Germanic, Scandinavian, and kindred peoples.

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