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Releasing God's Power

The accelerating deterioration and dissolution of my land, the United States, as well as all of the lands of Great Britain and Northwest Europe, can and must be reversed. Not through political means or the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of the federal government, but through the divinely ordained local Covenant Christian churches.

Until that is understood we will continue to free fall into an inescapable quick sand pit.

Here’s the Problem

The professing Christian churches today are NOT biblically-defined churches. Even though they may have some good doctrine regarding the authority of the Bible, Jesus Christ as God in the flesh, His redemptive sacrifice, and so forth, nearly all are missing a fundamental truth. The Bible is not about “all humanity” or the “human race.” It’s about one covenant family of a particular race that God has chosen to rule and reign with Him. Why? In order to administer His righteousness and justice in their countries so that God’s Kingdom can be established and manifested. This is a self-evident fact if one cares to study the matter out.

Biblical churches are churches comprised exclusively of these people and only these people who have been regenerated by the Holy Spirit. Once churches become mixed with other people, they are no longer biblical churches. They cannot manifest God’s Kingdom on earth. That is not the way God set it up.

This viewpoint is generally regarded as highly offensive. That is because the true Covenant People of God have allowed themselves to be brainwashed with the tolerance and diversity programming out there. And that is because they have, for decades if not centuries, been mistaught what the Bible actually says and means. The truth of the matter is that churches today are ineffective and powerless to impact the present fatal course we find ourselves on.

Until we sober up and face reality and the true reasons why we continue to operate as the most corrupt countries fomenting our own destruction, we will never come out of our own deception!

Here’s the Solution

So, how do we do that? Get serious and throw off the shackles of your preconceived ideas regarding what you have believed or been told to believe. Take advantage of the opportunity to engage in a revolutionary course of study of the entire Bible. It has been described as the “Red Pill” Bible study. It’s all done for you! It is called the Bible Mastery Boot Camp and comes in four Modules. All the heavy lifting has been done for you.

When you take the Bible study course online, the first 2 classes are free! After that it’s only $34.95 a month and you go at your own pace.  To sign up, just go to and click on the link “Start My Free Classes.”  You can also purchase the four Bible Mastery Boot Camp Modules from our store and get all the teaching videos on a thumb drive along with the accompanying student notebook for each Module.

If you are a reader, get the Covenant Heritage Series of seven books and read them! You will not find a better, more comprehensive Bible study course by which you can discover for yourself what the Bible says and means.

Take to heart that you are responsible to “be diligent to present yourself approved to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handing the word of truth” (II Timothy 2:15).

And please, share this message with others. Word of mouth is the only way the truth gets out.  Thank you!

“Now to Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask of think, according to the power that works within us, to Him be the glory in the church in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen.” – Ephesians 3:20-21

The God revealed in the Bible is either going to release His power in judgment or in redemptive salvation. You choose!

What Others Have Said about the Bible Mastery Boot Camp

“Doctor Blanchard's course starts at the beginning and then walks through the history of the Hebrew people, Israel and their migrations into other countries. Without going into too much detail, Doctor Blanchard's work is rich with references and painstaking detail. Now that we are on Module 3, the picture is growing ever so clear; what a wonderful way of taking on this subject, one step at a time. This is perfect for all, especially those who are just starting out in this field of study."

“We, the Christian people have work to do, here is a starting point (that with great understanding) will help us take the next steps...” – BC – Canada



“Our Bible study group finished module 1, we are going to start module 2 tomorrow. So far the information in the course is second to none...since it is basically the Bible interpreting the Bible. The ONLY true way to comprehend the true meaning. If anyone is on the fence about getting the material, just DO it. Our entire class is learning much needed truth. Thank you Dr. Blanchard!!” – JG – Mississippi



“My testimonial on how this study enlightened, and helped to change my complete understanding of the covenants God made with His people."

“As with most of today’s church-goers I sat in the pew and tried to make sense of whatever twist of the Bible story was preached upon. But I always felt something just did not add up. How could the Earth only be 6000 years old? While Science shows much older evidence. The Bible clearly shows there were other people on planet Earth when Adam was created, how could this be? Why does every non-White race have such animosity toward the White race? These and many other questions led me on my journey to know the truth, and by the leading of God I found this study linked on a Christian Identity website."

“Dr. Blanchard has thoroughly researched both Biblical text and historical documents to provide the evidence for the true Biblical story. From his teaching I realize that we, the White Anglo-Saxon people are the true Israelites, and God’s covenant people. It becomes obvious as I went through the study. Dr. Blanchard’s emphasis of the extreme importance of Biblical context, and being true to the intended Scriptural translation shed light on foundational truths."

“It makes sense that the civilized and moral nations came to be, not by accident but because God had His hand in the history and story of His covenant people. I especially was enlightened by and enjoyed the heraldry, customs and laws that White nations have passed down from Biblical laws. No other race has this claim as Dr. Blanchard documents in great detail. For instance, the difference between “Adam Kind” and “Human Kind”.

“There is an enormous lie that needs to be exposed of who the True Israelites are and the history behind the first covenant and the restoration of His people by the blood of Jesus in the New covenant. Verses that I used to gloss over I now read with knowledge, and words such as redeemed (restoring what was lost) make perfect sense. This study is a must for all people of the Abrahamic covenant. I have recommended the Bible Boot camp to friends and family, and pray that God through the Holy Spirit will guide them to learn truth for themselves."

“My prayer life has changed enormously, as I pray for our people to be awakened to the truth, and begin to take hold of the Kingdom that God has promised. Thank you, Dr. Blanchard for your research and dedication to truth and to our people.” – Mike, North Carolina

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