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Our New Normal: The Kingdom Now

Updated: May 11, 2023

Has the fake “pandemic” of 2020-2023 faded from your mind? The masks, social distancing, Covid PCR tests, lockdowns – remember? It has faded pretty quickly into just a distant memory now that we are enjoying post-pandemic “normal.” Going out to eat, no masks, open sporting events, vacations – no restrictions! Why bother with dredging up old, bad memories?

Do you really think that this thing is over? What we experienced was a “shock-testing” pandemic so the global players could monitor our reactions. How far would we go? What would we be willing to do to “get back to normal” again? The end game was to put people in such a state of fear and financial and social duress in order to lead them to accept the Covid “vaccination.” It worked. The majority succumbed to at least one jab. Many have died and many are permanently injured. It’s still ongoing. And it’s just the beginning.

So, don’t be fooled. The real “Pandemic 2” is coming and it will look real because we will witness people dying in droves on the street. But again, it will all be contrived and artificially manipulated. (See the video testimony of attorney Todd Callender). Their “new normal” will continue, including a global digital money system that will enslave us all.

Welcome to their kingdom!

Our New Normal: Option One

Let’s step outside their “new normal” for a moment and consider this question: Could it be that the God of our fathers has allowed the powers-that-be of this present darkness to gain this kind of rapid momentum because He wants to teach us an important truth? What would that be?

To answer that question, we will need a correct understanding of biblical theology. One could believe the theological framework that provides the only hope of salvation in the future coming of Jesus Christ. Only then will we have a Kingdom of God’s “new normal.” In this scenario, when He returns, our enemies will be destroyed and a brand new “heavens and earth” will be created in which the redeemed and worthy of God will dwell forever in perfect bliss. In the meantime, we will complain, protest, and do our best to survive during this time of tribulation until we are rescued from on high. That’s the first option.

Our New Normal: Option Two

My theological viewpoint is quite different and admittedly, I’m in the distinct minority. I believe, based on the biblical evidence from what I have discovered, that the Lord Jesus has already returned, sits on the throne of David at the right hand of the Father, has all power and authority, and is the Head of every local church assembly of His Covenant People. The Kingdom of God has been established in the New Covenant and is now ready to be manifested (see Book Six and Book Seven of the Covenant Heritage Series). I have chosen my words very carefully and deliberately.

If that is true, correct, and certain, could it be that God, our Father is saying, “You have a choice. Now is your opportunity to fulfill your duty to manifest the real ‘new normal’ Kingdom now by My Spirit and through My power. Or you can choose to do nothing, wait in limbo, and default to the kingdom of darkness.” That’s the second option. But this scenario of manifesting the Kingdom of God now only becomes operational when the sons and daughters of biblical Israel actively take on their responsibilities and obligations before God. To do what? What does the Bible say?

What the Kingdom Looks Like

I saw a short video clip a friend sent me. It was a scene of a crowded coffee shop somewhere in Colorado on May 10, 2020 early in the “pandemic.” The people “resisted official calls for people to wear face masks and gloves – and to distance from one another – when in public.” It was lively. Everyone was smiling and talking and laughing. There was a line of folks outside waiting to get inside. They were our People. They defied the social distancing mantra and no one was wearing a mask. The link is at the end of this post.

I will tell you what I saw at this coffee shop. It was an example of the Kingdom of God being manifested in the business realm by Adamic people taking dominion over their own business. Freedom, love, joy, order, people, and power. Love it!

Now just think about how much more the Kingdom could be manifested now in a local church assembly. According to the Scripture, that local church is in authority over local government. In the Name of Jesus Christ, it is supposed to take dominion!

Here’s the key. Take dominion as a church at the local level and put an end to this advancing tyrannical destruction.

Let’s create “our new normal” – the Kingdom of God manifested now! Is this not the purpose for which you have been created?

Rise Up O Men of God

1. Rise up, O men of God!

Have done with lesser things.

Give heart and soul and mind and strength

To serve the King of Kings.

2. Rise up, O men of God,

His Kingdom tarries long;

Bring in the day of brotherhood

And end the night of wrong.

3. Rise up, O men of God, The church for you doth wait, Her strength unequal to her task, Rise up, and make her great!

4. Lift high the cross of Christ! Tread where His feet have trod; As brothers of the Son of Man, Rise up, O men of God! - by William P. Merrill

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