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Concessions: What Will You Be Willing to Give Up? – Part 1

This week the defacto President Biden agreed with the defacto Congress to end the Covid-19 “pandemic” emergency which was directed and controlled by the United Nation’s World Health Organization (WHO).

The purported “pandemic” lasted three years. As anyone knows who is informed of what actually happened, it was all lies from the beginning. There was no virus and the PCR test was bogus. There was no need for masks, no need for “social distancing,” and certainly no need for the Covid-19 “vaccines” and boosters to protect anyone from a viral infection. It was all a big fat scam!


And yet, the vast majority of Americans, government agencies, businesses, and medical “experts” complied with their demands:

· You need to wear a mask

· You must practice 6 feet apart distancing

· You must be tested

· You must “shelter in place”

· You must get “the vaccine.”

And why did most Americans dutifully comply? Why did they submit to these concessions? Here’s the big one: You will lose your job if you do not comply. And many of those who refused to comply lost their jobs and businesses.

Those who agreed to the concessions were permitted to return to “normal.” They could go shopping, eat out at restaurants, go to the park and travel, and keep their jobs. Compliance and concessions!

It’s Not Over

Do you think that just because the “emergency” has officially ended that this “pandemic” scheme is over? No! This is just a temporary lull before the next event. More updated “vaccines” are in the pipeline. The next created and planned “pandemic” is coming.

Unfortunately, many of the originally bamboozled people have so succumbed to the concessions, especially the 58% of Americans who took the injections (600 million doses total), they have already sadly conceded their very lives to sudden disablement or early death. They willingly gave into fear and the threat of not being able to put food on the table, pay the bills, keep their home or business, or just be permitted to work.

Question for the Future

The first people three years ago were easily persuaded to comply with these tempting concessions. How much more so will it be for what is coming? Because it’s not just another pandemic that is being promised, but the stakes are now much higher. Digital money. FedNow. Have you heard of it? Your bank account and what you are able to purchase or not purchase will not be decided by you. No. It will be decided by someone else depending on your compliance and concession to a “social agenda.”

So, the question is, What are you willing to give up when faced with a digital prison? Have you considered the implications? It means no freedom to choose or to speak unless, of course, you comply with someone else’s demands. Your life is over!

It is all being discussed and planned for by the global financial titans, and global medical and government powers, so we might as well think about these issues now before they arrive at our doorstep in full force.

In Part 2, I will tell you about the biblical solution, how it was applied, and how it all turned out. I think it will be encouraging for you. Stay tuned.

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