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Biblical Perspective of Our Times: Part 4

What I discovered in my long quest to search out the truth about what the Bible says and means is necessary in order to understand why things are as they are in the times in which we live. As I explained very briefly in Part 3, the Bible is for and about a family of one race of people positively identified today as the Anglo-Celto-Saxon, Scandinavian, Germanic and related peoples. They are the Covenant People who God has chosen as His People in order to fulfill a particular purpose: to manifest His Kingdom on earth in righteousness, peace, joy and order. That purpose began with Adam (Genesis 1-2) and is destined to be fulfilled in and through His Covenant People through the second Adam, Jesus Christ. Until that is known, understood, embraced, and carried out, the Bible will be a closed book and the gospel of the Kingdom of God concealed.

This viewpoint may be vilified and condemned by the vast majority of professing Christians, and the religious and secular leaders. But if it is the truth, then God does not change. He has ordained an order of authority in a particular people by whom His purposes will be realized and by whom He will be glorified and His power revealed.

The answer to our present situation is clearly written for His Covenant People which I will discuss later. But first, the problem or reason for our present destructive course must be understood.

Biblical Judgment

Why are we going through these increasingly dark times? The Bible is replete with evidence of Israel’s history centuries ago regarding the periods of God’s judgment upon them. The prophets from Moses to Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Daniel and most of the minor prophets continually warned Israel of impending judgment because of their rebellion and disobedience to God. Repeated pleas to repent and turn away from idolatry and corrupt practices largely went unheeded. Thus, judgment came upon them in various ways and degrees of intensity.

The long list of potential judgments was known to Israel in Deuteronomy 28:15-68. It would be a good exercise to take some time and read through them slowly and deliberately. You will notice that all of these judgments are very similar to what the nations of Israel are experiencing today. Here is a brief selection from the chapter:

· Confusion

· Pestilence

· Consumption, fever, inflammation

· Madness and bewilderment of heart

· Oppressed, stolen from

· Rape and unfaithfulness

· Loss of property; stolen

· Slavery

· Sickness

· Captivity

· Aliens will have dominion

· Hunger, thirst, the lack of things

· Sacrifice of children

· Women hostile towards their husband and children

· Plagues and chronic sickness

· Decrease in population

· Invaded and taken captive by foreigners.

Unless you do not discern what is happening to your own country and people because you choose to be persuaded by a high-controlled media, educational and religious systems and trust what you are being told without question, you will not be able to see the relevance of Deuteronomy 28 to our times. The majority may never see it.

The reality is that we are going through a judgment by God’s hand because we have forsaken the truth. We have fallen away from the faith once delivered to the saints and crucified Jesus Christ again and put Him to open shame (Hebrews 6:6) – the One who was nailed to the cross in order to take upon Himself the sins of His Covenant People.

We are going through His judgment and the severity of it is yet to be known in the near future. I believe it will be like nothing we can even imagine.

The Biblical Answer

All the wars of the past two centuries, all the economic depressions, all of the carnage wrought in abortion clinics and through the medical system with its disease management drug culture, especially now with “Covid” injections, are wreaking havoc and literally killing thousands of people. The truth is, we haven’t seen anything yet! Watch for it. Literally millions will die in the next year and beyond because they have been jabbed with a poison. It is not a “vaccine” but a gain-of-function bioweapon. (Review the many articles and videos on this website if you need an education.) It’s going to go very dark!

Here is the good news. There is an answer. Although the powers of wickedness combine to bring death and destruction upon us, it is nothing compared to the power of the Living God. But He has revealed and intends to display that power in and through His Covenant People (true Israel) in and through their local church assemblies. I discuss this in detail in The Kingdom of God Manifested, Book Seven of the Covenant Heritage Series. But please, don’t start with Book Seven. The Covenant Heritage Series is a series of books to be read in order so that you can understand the comprehensive scope of the Bible, history, and science. Start with Book One, Discover the Story of Your Biblical Heritage.

You need knowledge and understanding before you can start being a part of the solution. This website is for you to get educated. Share it, please.

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