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Biblical Perspective of Our Times: Part 3

After the Ruby Ridge and Waco tragedies, I was awakened and began my pursuit of discovering the historical foundations of law that traversed my Anglo-Saxon family heritage (part 2). That connection sent me running back to the Bible to find out the answer to two burning questions that I was determined to answer:

1. If the genesis of fundamental law in northwestern Europe resided in the Bible, what was the reason for that?

2. And could there be, therefore, a racial relationship between the Covenant People of the Bible and the White race of Northwestern European stock?

I always sensed I was missing something in my master’s level seminary education. My previous understanding of what I thought the Bible said seemed disjointed and inconsistent. I could no longer fit the pieces of the Bible puzzle together in an unforced way. I had to start over. My mission in life now was to make sense of this Bible. I was focused with a laser beam intent.

What I Learned About Law

Before I get into that, my law education taught me why we are going through times of upheaval and fundamental alternation of everything, including why we are experiencing an increasing tyrannical government force. The reason is simple. Fundamental law codified in the ancient common law and constitutional law, has been and continues to be violated. For example, at the heart of law that provides for the preservation of property, peace, and stability and the inherent rights of individuals in relationship to each other is a sound money system. Gold and silver coin and the exclusion of bills of credit and usury was fundamental. Trace all the violations of law back to this. With my law education, I could pinpoint and answer why we are experiencing what seems to be an unstoppable destructive spiral. I discussed this in some detail in my book, The Kingdom of God Manifested (Book Seven).

What I Learned About the Bible

But this was not just about the rational facts and observation of historical law of European heritage and the violations of law thereof. It was personal for me. Because when I began to ready and study the Bible again, I discovered something I had never seen before. After two years of a diligent search for answers, I came to the conclusion, based on the evidence of the Bible, it is specifically for and about a family of one race of people.

The key people, events, and covenants all lined up in a consistent, unforced and non-contradictory way that I could not deny. My conclusion, I believed, would stand up in a court of law.

But who were these Covenant People? Were they the Jews who call themselves “Jews” today? That is what is believed from the consensus of Catholic and Protestant evangelical Christianity. But the hypothesis that the Jews of today were the biblical Israelites didn’t fit the facts that the Bible presented. Furthermore, I subsequently discovered the Jews who call themselves Jews were not Semites at all, and had no racial connection to the biblical Israelites. This was according to Jewish historians themselves! So then, who were the true biblical Israelites today? Could it be that there was a connection between biblical law and historical fundamental law of the northwestern European people and the Israelites of the Bible? It was a hypothesis that required more study.

So, the next step was to trace the history of what happened to the people of Israel. Where did they go? In the historical study of these people, through migrations, archaeology, heraldry, law, language and culture, I discovered the answer. This evidence is documented in Book Two, Identifying Biblical Israel Today. The undeniable evidence pointed to the northwestern European people and their descendants.

The Bible was personal and very real to me. It was the record and the story of my race and heritage! My conclusion was unorthodox. By the secular and religious standards, such a viewpoint is considered racist, hateful, antisemitic, and, of course, White supremacist at its core. But was it true, correct, and certain? Was it important? Yes! Was it life-changing? Yes! For me.

Beyond this, there were definite implications for me and my racial brethren especially to understand what we are going through. But more than that, there are real answers to remedy our dire situation. Before we get to the answers, we have to grasp God’s perspective of our times. We review that in Part 4.

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