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Biblical Perspective of Our Times: Part 2

My present understanding of the times in which we live came about in several stages during my 40s. After God completely took away everything in my life (except my dear wife who stood by me during those trying years), I went from being a pastor to selling spas to make ends meet. For two years, I lived in total disillusion about God and didn’t even pick up the Bible. I was just existing and still living with the pain of my failure as a pastor, what I thought was my calling from God, and my profound disappointment in God Himself.

Understanding Our Nation’s Foundation (First Stage)

After two years of selling spas (at which I was no good), I decided that perhaps I needed to go a different direction and retool for a new career. I went to law school. I learned a lot, but only lasted for a year. I was not cut out to be a lawyer, although I enjoyed that schooling experience. Little did I know that was a vital part of God’s preparation for me to eventually write the Covenant Heritage Series.

My law school training equipped me to prove my case that would stand up in an impartial court of law. I was required to set forth the evidence that would be true, correct, and certain so as to prove my case beyond a reasonable doubt. That was the technical side of it, but my law education didn’t end after my first year of law school.

Shortly after that, I began to become aware of two significant events that took place that would cause me to re-think the media narrative that was intended to forge a particular perspective. The first event was the armed conflict between David Koresh and the Davidians and the FBI and AFT at Waco, Texas in 1993. The media consensus was that the Davidians group was a violent cult and the government’s destruction of them and their property was justified.

In a small meeting in a home, someone invited us to watch a film of this Waco event that shed new light and a different viewpoint on the situation. It caused me to re-think what we all had been told by the federal government and its media sidekick. If the alternative viewpoint was at least half correct, the whole thing was a travesty of justice. I was incensed that this sort of thing could take place in America. 75 people dead, including 25 children. What’s going on here?

And then there was the Ruby Ridge incident where, again, the ATF set up and eventually gunned down innocent family members of Randy Weaver with the help of the U.S. Marshall Service in 1992. I did not become aware of this until after I began to re-think the Waco incident. In 1992, I was knee-deep in law school and that was my only reality at that time. The armed stand-off resulted in one federal agent killed, Weaver’s young son Sammy shot in the back, and his wife Vicki shot and killed by a sniper (Lon Horiachi) while she was standing inside their cabin holding her baby. Randy went to trial and was found innocent and the federal government guilty. The remainder of the Weaver family was awarded $3.1 million.

Again, I was angry and I knew that I had to find out about what was going on. I launched into my own investigation of the lawful foundation of the United States of America to try to find some answers. With the providential help of some of the most brilliant minds in our land, I received an amazing education about our history in law that heralded back centuries to my Anglo-Saxon heritage and back to biblical law. Things began to make sense. I was revived. I was on a new mission.

But that education was preparatory foundation for coming into a whole new paradigm shift in my understanding of the Bible afresh and my family heritage. That story was the next stage of my journey. That story will be Part 3.

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