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Behind the “Human Rights” Movement Deception

There is a well-disguised veil that hides the true nature and intent of the “human rights” movement which is now reinforced by modern religion that labels itself “biblical Christianity.” There is a growing, ever-present network of human rights watch dogs patrolling the landscape ready to expose and denounce anyone or anything that remotely might suggest “White supremacy.” Of course, it’s always that, isn’t it? It’s always about the evil White people who “hate” other races – right? And the “human rights” trolls know how to put White people in their place with tactics such as “name and shame” with full media access and approval. But is the human rights movement about protecting and advancing the rights of all races and cultures?

On the Surface

If you read through the UN’s “Universal Declaration of Human Rights,” one can be constantly impressed with fine-sounding declarations:

“…the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of the human family… human beings shall enjoy freedom of speech and belief and freedom from fear and want … universal respect for and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms…” – Preamble

That all sounds great. But you have to go beyond the document itself to understand the real purpose and intent of such rhetoric.

Context of “Human Rights”

Unless you understand the context behind the human rights movement, you will not see the veil of deception. First, the “Universal Declaration of Human Rights” is an integral part of the United Nations. The United States (federal government) is a “permanent member” of the United Nations. So, the present United States federal government has subscribed to honor and promote the human rights agenda. We see that carried out as laws and policies to enforce “equality” of just about everything now.

Second, the United Nations is loosely tied to the private International Monetary Fund and the United States federal government is the majority stockholder in it. The government has enlisted the private Federal Reserve banking system as a “fiscal depository” of the IMF by which “income taxes” are collected to pay the interest on a fraudulently created debt of trillions of “dollars.”

The question is: What does all this have to do with “human rights”?

A Usury Debt System

The United States federal government and the international monetary system is primarily controlled by the IMF and World Bank, including a network of interlocking “banks.” This network system was created and is sustained by the control and use of “money.” Specifically, the system owes its existence to creating “money” out of thin air with a few strokes of a keyboard in order to loan “money” to governments, businesses and individuals. Additionally, interest (usury) is attached to these loans which may seem okay in the short term, but mathematically is impossible to pay off in the long run, resulting in default.

So, the banking system, in order to survive, needs an inexhaustible stream of borrowers. Hence, the system seeks all individuals (of all races), businesses and governments to bring into a permanent position of dependency through debt – the borrower is slave to the lender. In order to achieve that, there must be equality of all races so that all may be accepted as equals, particularly in all White nations. Why? Because if the other races immigrate and live in these White nations, then there will be more borrowers. And the other non-White countries must also be brought into the fold through the same monetary system.

And then let’s not forget the objective of the human rights movement to work toward “redistribution of wealth.” That means, the civilized, wealthy White nations must now, in the name of human rights, give up their wealth for others and, in the end, be saddled with their debt as well.

This plan works just fine for the banking elite, as it helps sustain and ensure their system. Human rights is just one of the necessary means to their end goal – complete dominion of the entire planet.


The same thing happened as the real reason for the War of Northern Aggression. The so-called “Civil War” was not about ending slavery. It was about the northern banking establishment eliminating the prosperous, debt-free southern states as competition. It was about creating more borrowers in their usury debt system by “freeing the black slaves” and by the “Reconstruction” of the southern states, bringing them to heel.

In effect, through that war, the banking system was able to create a whole bunch more slaves by their unlawful monetary system.

So, you see, the human rights movement is not about securing humanitarian rights for all “human beings.” It’s about making everyone slaves to be used, abused and controlled by the international banking establishment. Don’t buy into all the propaganda about equality and integration of races and cultures. It’s a scheme of deception. And in reality, the promoters of “human rights” are knowingly or not, the very perpetrators of “hate” that they accuse others of – especially when it comes to the White race.

You might want to check out my new book, The Authentic Gospel: Restoring the Original Intent. It clearly explains and documents how evangelical “Christianity” has fallen into the trap and deception of the tolerance and diversity program. To read more, go to and click on Books by Lawrence Blanchard. In the dropdown box, select The Authentic Gospel. You can also purchase this book in our Store.

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