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A Compelling Covenant Message – Part 1

The reason we are so unyieldingly passionate about the Covenant Gospel truth, in sharp contrast to the prevailing religious teaching today, is that if the truth were realized and received, much of the national and world’s problems could be understood and effective solutions implemented. This exclusive covenant message reveals God’s original plan and purpose to engage His authority and power in and through His chosen Covenant People. For what purpose? To establish and manifest His Kingdom of righteousness, peace, and order and to expose and defeat the present-day powers of darkness.

The world system, as we increasingly realize it in our time, is morally, spiritually, politically, and economically dark. It exists in a downward spiral of deterioration and destruction of order resulting in chaos, terror, death, and uncertainty about the future. There are some who are aware of all this, but most are unaware that they are unaware of being unaware. The latter float along in daily life just trying to survive. In their unconscious mind, they falsely believe that whoever is in charge will find a way to eventually solve all the problems out there. So, they just go along to get along, hoping it’s all going to work out.

Fertile Soil of Theological Deception

Nowhere does this deceived mindset reside more than in professing, conservative “Christian” churches which errantly teach a universal, tolerance, diversity, and inclusive doctrine. “Everybody is equal” and “everybody is welcome” to the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. That is the majority opinion today and, in fact, has been the predominate doctrine for at least the past four centuries. In fact, such teaching has become the numbing opium of the people because it is steeped in powerful “religious” teaching. The problem is the glaring centrality of the biblical covenants applying to a racial family from beginning to end which has been completely ignored or purposefully suppressed.

Religious Strongholds

The false teaching of the “all races are equal” doctrine and all are welcome to partake in the privileges of the gospel of the Kingdom, continues to be entrenched in the “Christian” scholarship of the day.  There are many biblically conservative and sincere scholars who continue to refine and produce not a few academic references. I read them. In many cases I consult them as I study, too.

But they are all on the same page about the following unproven assumptions:

·       Jews = Israel

·       Gentiles = everyone on the planet who are not Jews

·       The basis for Christianity is Judaism

·       The Jews of today are the physical descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

These assumptions are repeatedly taught and thus this teaching continues to reinforce the strongholds of deception.

I Wonder if They Wonder

As these celebrated scholars continue to pump out Biblical lexicons and commentaries, I wonder if they sit back and ponder this question:

If we now have such advanced scholarship and if we are in essential agreement about what we believe, then why does our country, and all other countries, continue to rapidly deteriorate in political and moral corruption, threatening imminent and complete implosion? Why are things going from bad to worse to the point of no return or recovery?

I wonder if they wonder to themselves, “Perhaps something is wrong with what we teach.”

I pray that one of them would awaken someday soon to break out of their conventional, orthodox theology and start to rethink what they believe. Anything is possible.

The Authentic Gospel

It is for those serious scholars that I wrote The Authentic Gospel: Restoring the Original Intent.  This book is a challenge to cause them to be confronted with the biblical gospel, based on the exclusive covenants. I have a list of about 20 of these scholars that I would like to send my book to. Would you like to purchase this book for me to send to them? Just send a check for $40.00 to Envision Publishing, PO Box 1474, Greeneville, TN 37744 with a note “Send The Authentic Gospel to a scholar.” We will cover the shipping costs. Thank you for helping get the truth out.

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